Papers published in IOP Journals now have even more links to citing articles.
Not only can you link to citing articles from The American Physical Society and NASA's Astrophysical Data System (a facility we introduced in 2003), you can now link to citing papers in many other publishers' journals.
These citing articles links are now in place in our entire journal archive - back to 1874. They can be found on the abstract pages of applicable papers. As more and more publishers share their reference data, our citing article links will increase.
*What this means for you and your library users* You can use this facility in a number of ways:
*You can use it to find related articles quickly and easily - and to see the impact that articles have had on later research.
*If your library users have published with us, they can monitor the citing article links for their own paper(s). Links will increase as more publishers share their reference data.
*If your library users cite an IOP paper in their research, they can use this facility to identify other papers that have cited it.
To take a look at forward linking in action, go to the following paper from New Journal of Physics and select the 'Articles citing this article' link on the right-hand side:
New Journal of Physics is our open-access electronic-only title (co-owned by the Institute of Physics and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) so the 'cited-by' links are available to all. For our other journals, this facility is limited to subscribers.
We are delighted to be providing this useful service in our journals and proud to have become one of the first publishers to do so. As more publishers follow our lead, you will start to see new 'cited-by' links from our papers.
Similarly, when reading papers on other publishers' websites, you will come across 'cited-by' links back to IOP Journals. Comprehensive information trails, forwards and backwards in time, will become a reality.
If you have any questions, please contact our Electronic Product Support team at
Kind regards,
Lucy Braithwaite
Senior Product Manager
Institute of Physics Publishing
PS Look out for other tools on our abstract pages that help you find related articles, including our 'Search highlighted text' facility, which enables you to highlight text on screen and then search.