Library 2.0 in Action : How Special Librarians are Using the Latest Tech Tools
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Panelists will make brief presentations about their experiences using the latest information tools and then lead roundtable discussions giving attendees the opportunity to share their triumphs and tragedies using these new tech tools.
Panelist and Roundtable Leaders :
Connie Crosby, Library Manager, WeirFoulds
Amanda Etches-Johnson, Reference Librarian, Mills Memorial Library, McMaster University
Dave Hook, Manager, Operations Information and Configuration Management, MDA Space Missions
Carolyne Sidey, Manager, XRCC Library, Xerox Resarch Centre of Canada
Roundtable Facilitator: Daniel Lee, Research Librarian, Navigator Limited
Thursday November 23, 2006
5:30-6:00: Registration and Networking. A light dinner of sandwiches, salads and desserts will be served.
6:00-7:30: Presentations and Roundtable Discussions
Location: MaRS, 101 College Street, Toronto, Room CR-2A
SLA Members: $15.00
Non-members: $25.00
Students: $10.00
Registration Information:
The SLA Toronto Chapter requires payment with registration. Payment can be made via Paypal or by cheque.
For registration details visit the website at: